Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
It is essential that all customers read and understand our Terms and Conditions thoroughly before using our cattery boarding services, as by making a booking with us or accessing our service, you as the customer automatically agree to our Terms & Conditions and are bound by the terms and conditions set within this document. If you are uncertain of any of the terms or conditions please contact us and we will explain anything you are unsure of.
Please ensure you read the entire document thoroughly whilst paying special attention to the section ‘Customer Responsibilities’ and you clearly understand your responsibilities as a cat owner when accessing our service. Failure to do so may lead to your cat being refused entry into our cattery, not receiving the correct care whilst boarding with us, or could result in additional unexpected costs on collection.
Copies of our Terms and Conditions are attached to the booking confirmation email which is automatically sent to the customer via our booking software when a booking is made, they are also available to read on our website www.barnowls.co.uk they are on display in our reception area and copies can also be sent by post or email on request.
We will review and make update to our Terms and Conditions and Policies & Procedures from time to time. Updates will be published on our website www.barnowls.co.uk and in reception
Our Service
Barn Owls is a cattery boarding service offering temporary housing accommodation for client’s cats during holiday and personal events. All cats staying at Barn Owls will be cared for and treated in accordance with The Animal Welfare Regulations 2018. Our service caters for the cats overall physical and mental needs ensuring they are kept safe, healthy and nurtured during their stay with us. All cats, whilst boarding at Barn Owls, will receive on going care and supervision including appropriate nutrition. Their health and wellbeing will be closely monitored ensuring the cat(s) receives the upmost care and remains comfortable, happy and safe throughout their stay with us.
Your Consent
There may be times where we need to make changes to your cat/s diet or their general care as we feel best meets their needs. We will not contact you about this unless there is something of a particular concern. There may be times where we need to seek veterinary assistance or separate your cat(s) into a single pen. We will attempt to contact you first to discuss any significant concerns, however should we feel that it is in your cat/s immediate best interest or we cannot get hold of you we will separate your cat/s and seek veterinary attention at our own discretion. By making a booking with Barn Owls Cattery you agree for us to make decisions on behalf of for your cat(s) as we feel best meets their needs. This may include veterinary treatment your cat receives. You will be responsible for paying the full costs to the veterinary practice or to Barn Owls for any costs we have paid on your behalf, even if your cat has been deemed healthy with no concerns by the vet. You will be charged for any travel costs to and from the vets.
Food & Nutrition
Barn Owls Cattery will provide a selection of wet and dry food inclusive of the service fee as per our Animal welfare policy and Daily feeding Procedure. Cats will be fed according to the dietary plan discussed and agreed with the customer during the check in process, however we will make changes to your cats diet should we feel it best meets their needs whilst staying with us. Owners are welcome to bring their own food should they wish, however boarding fees will remain unaltered.
Policies & Procedures
We have stringent measures and practises in place to ensure all management and staff are providing the highest level of care for all cats. You are welcome to see how we care for our resident cats by viewing our Policies and Procedures. These are displayed in our reception area at Barn Owls or copies can be sent to you via email or post on request.
Barn Owls Cattery will charge a fee for the service provided which is payable by the customer on arrival. The client must agree and pay the fee for services provided to the customers as stated in out terms and conditions. Our fees our listed on our website, displayed in reception and on the booking invoice sent to customers. Our fees will be reviewed and amended from time to time and changes will be made at our own discretion. All altered boarding fees will apply to all future and existing bookings unless stated otherwise by Barn Owls.
Both the day of arrival and the day of departure are chargeable. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day will be charged at double the normal daily rate.
Opening Hours
Monday 10am – 3.00pm
Tuesday 10am – 3.00pm
Wednesday 10am – 3.00pm
Thursday 10am – 3.00pm
Friday 10am – 3.00pm
Saturday 9am - 11am
Sunday Closed
Bank Holidays & Sundays
We are closed bank holidays and Sundays therefore no arrivals or departures take place on these days.
Arrival & Departure times
At the time of booking we will request that you provide us with arrival and departure times. You must check that the dates and arrival/collection times are correct and you arrive at your scheduled time as we need to allow adequate time with each customer to discuss and record each cats requirements which can take some time. Please do not arrive unannounced as we are only open for customers who have confirmed bookings, and will be closed during periods where we have no scheduled appointments. If you need to change or update
Departing cats must be collected within the opening and closing times to avoid additional charges. Where cats cannot be collected within these times an additional night stay will be necessary, or a request for an out of hours collection, additional charges apply for both.
Out of Hours Collections
We will do our best to accommodate out of hour requests for emergency situations only, however cannot guarantee this. Where multiple cats are staying the charge will only apply once
Mobile Collection Service
Collecting and dropping off your cat may be a problem if you do not have transport or if you have a busy schedule. We can collect and return your cat using our secure pet transport service which could save you valuable time. The comfort and safety of your pet is our priority at all times. Please see our ‘Fees’ section for costings. If Collection and drop off is required outside of our normal opening hours the ‘out of hours’ charge will be applied.
Visitors are welcome to view resident cats from the corridor area at Barn Owls but are NOT permitted to stroke or pet them. Some of our cats can be very nervous and very unpredictable. Your protection is equally our priority and we need to keep you safe from injury as well as keeping our cats safe from potential external infection.
Clients are welcome to use our car park but do so at their own risk. You are not permitted to access any other area other than the car park and cattery building. Barn Owls management or its staff will not be held responsible for any damage or theft to your vehicle or personal belongings whilst using our parking facilities.
Customer Responsibilities
Keeping us informed
It is your responsibility to inform and provide us with all relevant information relating to your cats health and specific needs. This will ensure we manage and provide the correct care for your cat. You must answer our forms as accurately and as honestly as possible and inform Barn Owls cattery of any concerns relating to your cat(s). This will include any sickness, illness, disease, behavioural concerns or any other issues which may cause harm or distress to your cat, other boarding cats or staff during your cats stay at Barn Owls Cattery. Should you withhold any information or deliberately mislead Barn Owls you will be liable for any charges necessary to medically treat or rehouse your cat as well as any legal costs incurred to Barn Owls Cattery as a result of your failure to notify us of these concerns or issues.
Vaccination Requirements
All cats accepted into Barn Owls Cattery must show a valid up to date vaccination certificate against Feline Influenza and Feline Enteritis. We also recommend that cats are vaccinated against Feline Leukaemia Virus. Primary vaccination must not have been administered any less than one week prior to boarding in order to protect our other resident cats from possible infection. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Please note that only vaccinated kittens can be accepted.
Disease Control
We reserve the right to refuse any cat showing signs of ill health or stress, contagious or infectious disease. Any cat(s) showing signs of illness will be immediately isolated either into a separate area within the cattery or will be administered to a veterinary practise for isolation.
All cats must have received appropriate flee treatment within 14 days of arriving at Barn Owls. Fleas spread rapidly among a cat population and can be easily detected by combing the cat and by small black deposits on their bedding. All cats will be inspected within 24 hours of arrival to allow them time to settle. Barn Owls reserve the right to apply flea treatment to any cat found to have flea infestation on arrival or if the flea treatments are not up to date. On-going treatment will be necessary for cats staying for long periods. The cost of treatment will be charged to the owner. Please note that flea collars are not considered adequate protection. We use Advocate to treat all our cats (Please read our ‘Fees’ section for costs)
We request that all cats that come to Barn Owls Cattery are treated against worm infestation BEFORE arrival. Many cat owners may not be aware if their cat has worms due to them toileting outdoors.
If we see that worms are present whilst clearing their litter then we will provide treatment for them. The cost of treatment will be charged to the owner. We use Drontol to treat all our cats (Please read our ‘Fees’ section for costs)
Male Cats
Any male cat over the age of nine months, who is not neutered, cannot be accepted for boarding, as they could present an infection hazard to other resident cats.
Multi Cat Sharing
Cats sharing pens will be monitored to ensure that they continue to cohabit harmoniously. In the event that cats are becoming stressed in a shared situation, we will assess whether moving a cat to a separate pen would be beneficial and if necessary separate the cats into individual pens. Customers will be notified of this and will also be responsible for any additional costs accrued as result of this.
Veterinary Treatment & Isolation
In the event that a cat becomes unwell or develops signs of illness or where there is a significant change in their eating habits, water intake, faeces or urine or where we have concerns for their health or wellbeing we will use our own discretion by seeking medical advice or necessary treatment from a qualified veterinary practitioner. Cats identified as at risk of spreading infection will be isolated off site with Eagle Vets, 75a High Street, Minster, CT12 4AB
At first instance we will contact the customer to notify them of our concerns. Should we be unable to get in touch with the customer or where our concerns are significant enough that we feel the cat requires immediate attention we will seek medical advice and care from a veterinary practise without the consent of the customer? At first instance we will contact the veterinary practise of the pet owners kept on our database. Should these details be absent from our records or where the practise is unable to provide care at the given time we will contact alternative veterinary providers, prioritising our preferred provider first; Eagle Vets, 75a High Street, Minster, CT12 4AB
Any veterinary costs or any other costs incurred as a result of a Barn Owls seeking veterinary advice or treatment will be passed onto the cat owner as well as a veterinary courier charge per visit, and must be paid in full by the owner on arrival when collecting their cat (Please read our ‘Fees’ section for costs)
Full payment must be made on arrival. Any additional unplanned charges for treatment or services your cat receives during their stay must be settled on departure.
We accept Card payments, Cheques or BACS. Barn Owls Cattery reserves the right to hold the cat until full payment is received; any extra days will be chargeable at the normal rate.
For long term boarding (one month or more), we give the option of interim payments if required. This will be discussed and agreed at the time of booking.
Off Peak Season
During off peak season we do not charge for cancellations or amendments to bookings, however we do request that you give us as much notice as possible to make any changes to your booking.
Peak Season – July, August, 20th December – 2nd January
During peak season the following charges will apply for cancellations
Notice Period
1 week notice or less
Full charges apply for the duration up to a maximum period of 2 weeks at the standard rate of 1 cat. Christmas cancellations will be charged at the holiday season rate
(see fees for details)
2 week notice or less
Full charges apply for the duration up to a maximum period of 2 weeks at the standard rate of 1 cat. Christmas cancellations will be charged at the holiday season rate
(see fees for details)