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It is imperative that we keep all our cats protected from disease. All cats must have received up to date vaccinations and been treated against fleas and worms prior to visiting us.



Cats must be treated against the following diseases

(FIE) Feline Infectious Enteritis also commonly know as Parovirus or Panleukopenia 

(FHV) Feline Herpesvirus commonly known as cat flu or Feline Calicivirus


The following are a few of the commonly used brands which protect against FIE & FHV; Nobivac Ducat, Nubivac Tricat Trio, Versifel CVR, Feligen RCP, Leucofeligen


Please be mindful that some vaccinations only protect cats against other diseases such as Feline Leukemia but does not necessarily protect them against FIE and FHV. 



Flea & Worm Treatment

Flea and worm treatment must have been given at least 2 weeks prior to vising us. We will provide in house treatment for cats staying for long periods of time (more than 4 weeks) or where we find fleas or worms present on any cat. In house treatment is chargeable to the customer as per our terms and conditions 

Your Responsibility!!!

*Please note it is Your Responsibility!! to check that your cat has received the appropriate Vaccinations and that you provide us with suitable evidence of this prior to visiting us or on arrival. The spread of disease has the potential to be life threatening to other cats and therefore we will refuse boarding!! should you not have provided us with evidence of this. 

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Boarding Requirements

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